In this episode of Power of the Network, host Tim Locker sits down with Jon Reddemann, Regional Manager with nVent, to discuss his journey in the HVAC industry, the challenges and strategies in technical sales, and the evolving role of energy storage in modern infrastructure.
Jon shares insights into his career transition from managing aftermarket services to sales, the importance of preparation in sales strategy, and how relationship-building plays a crucial role in securing long-term customers. He also discusses his passion for motorcycles, his experience running his own HVAC company, and how that hands-on background has influenced his approach to sales and customer service.
The conversation also dives into critical infrastructure topics such as cooling solutions for battery storage, the role of HVAC in data centers, and the future of nuclear energy versus renewable sources. Throughout the discussion, Jon emphasizes the importance of integrity, customer service, and mentorship in the industry.
Hi, and welcome to Power of the Network. I'm your host, Tim Locker, Vice President of Broadband here at CBM. One of my favorite parts about doing these podcasts is it helps get me out of my shell, moves me into some of the other parts of our company, allows me to kind of learn about the different industries and actually build relations and talk to some of our manufacturers that we work for. And we're gonna do that very thing today. So we've got Mr.
John Rediman, he's our regional manager with nVent on the HVAC side of the business. So I'm going to introduce myself to him today and we're going to have a little conversation about the HVAC industry and we'll see where it takes us. Follow along.
John, thanks for joining us. I know you had to get up early out there in Arizona this morning to meet our times, but we appreciate you getting on with us. So thank you. Absolutely. Thanks for having me. Appreciate it. Yeah. Let's just kind of start. How's the weather? We're in Kansas City and it's a little warmer day today, but they have pile of snow, bunch of snow in Kansas City this year. I don't know if you saw the, I saw, you know, I don't know if it was a TikTok or YouTube or whatever, but a video of some kid snowboarding.
down the streets of downtown. It was pretty wild. So. Take advantage of it. Yeah, we don't have to worry about that here in Phoenix. It'll be mid 50s today. Ice and sunny, not a cloud in the sky. So. That's not too bad. Yeah, yeah, not too bad. You endure a couple, three months of some kind of brutal heat, but then you've got eight months or so of just absolutely beautiful weather. So. Yeah.
Kind of the same thing. You're from the Midwest and spent a bunch of time up in the Minneapolis area. Was it just your territory, your job that took you to Arizona? The job, right? Yeah. So when I came to Hoffman back in 2008, I was the manager of our aftermarket services group which was up at the factory. And I managed that team for five years, give or take.
I had an opportunity to get into the regional sales role and with that I chose to move out west. So, at the time I was covering the western region, the northwestern region and the south central region and I had an opportunity to choose where I wanted to live. Being an avid motorcyclist, Arizona seemed like a great place. So, it's kind of centrally located between California.
New Mexico, Colorado, so that was kind of, that was, you know, one of the deciding factors to move to the Arizona. And also, it's a very convenient location to cover the region at the time and just kind of planting roots and have been here going on 11 years now. That's awesome. What kind of bike do you have? I actually have three. I have two Harley-Davidson's and I have a Yamaha V-Max. So wow. Yeah.
Yeah, I traded in the hot rods for some motorcycles quite a few years back and you know, haven't really looked back. So You know everybody's got a hobby Oh, yeah, my my hobbies, uh, you know hunting and fishing so i've i've got a bass boat that Doesn't see the water near enough, but we're working on that. So yeah, that's that's that's big That's big sporting up there by you, isn't it? Yeah, that's fishing. Yeah. Yeah for sure There's some good fishing down in your area, but it's a little drier but
Lake Havasu's got some good fishing in it, different places. But I had, the only motorcycle I've ever had, I was probably 14, and I was given a 1966 Honda Dream, a 90 CC. And if you had a good wind behind you, you could get her up to 60, you know, but it was a neat old bike. It was a neat old bike. It's just perfect condition.
Yeah, you were probably about 100 pounds soaking wet too. Yeah, and I was, it's been a long time since I've been 100 pounds just me. I wasn't even old enough to ride it. So we had a kind of a community lane that was behind the street that I grew up on. And so I would race it around back there. And once in a while I would brave it down the highway and hope I didn't get caught. You know, but that's the bulk of my motorcycle career right there.
I've got a cousin that's a surgeon and he just always drilled into me the safety factor. So I've always been a little bit leery of them. People pulling out in front of you. Have you had any close calls? I've actually crashed a few times. Have you? Yeah. One of them was at 100 miles an hour up in Sturgis back in 2019. Wow. Yeah.
Did you get hurt pretty bad or no? I, you know, people don't believe me, but, uh, the, the wife, um, she was on the back. She'll attest to it. I got back on that thing and I rode her a hundred miles an hour, 50 miles back in the downtown Sturgis. Wow. It's the only way to, you just gotta get on and get right back on and go on. Yeah. Yep. So that's pretty crazy. Yeah. When I was in high school, when I was in high school, um,
we were just messing around, but I got on the back of a motorcycle with another guy. And I remember just being afraid for my life. We were going so fast up, it was a highway 61 over in Eastern Iowa, and I peek around his shoulder, and we're doing 140 on that motorcycle. And I was just like, get me off of here. So never been, I've never been a go fast.
go fast guy, even in the boat, I'll just kind of take it easy. I'll get there when I need to get there. So that's, you know what? That's not a bad way to be, uh, you know, I competitively drag raced up in Minnesota for, uh, for about six years. Oh, really? Yeah. And, uh, you know, I'm going to round out 54 here in March and, uh, I'm, I'm thinking about taking my VMAX and turning that into a drag bike and go back into drag racing. So, um,
Yeah, I like the competitive aspect of it. Yeah. Uh, that's where you drag racing bikes before or cars? Uh, cars, cars. Yep. Yeah. So I built the 67 Camaro kind of a street legal drag car. That's awesome. Yep. Yeah. That was fun. But yeah, like I said, I just like the competitiveness of it. And I liked the, the strategic planning aspect of it. Right. So, you know, you, you spend six weeks trying to prepare to compete for 10 seconds.
Yeah. You know, so yeah, it's a, which is kind of interesting because that's, that's what I do in my professional life. Right. So like, you know, when I schedule a trip to come out and, you know, run with you guys, you know, I'll spend a month, you know, taking a look at the accounts, kind of refreshing, you know, I have such a large territory with so many different accounts, you know, I kind of
kind of lose track of them from time to time. and refresh. what industries do they serve, I try to formulate the conversations
you know, how did you come to the decision to use X? And you know, and I try to formulate those conversations ahead of time. So, you know, my hobby has really kind of helped me move forward, you know, in this aspect of my career, right? Because again, I like the competitiveness of it. I like to, I like to chase, you know, so. Yeah. So kind of, kind of a mindset that just rolls from one to the next. And I'm, you know, I'm glad you, you mentioned the
Preparing. Our company, we invested in our sales folks last year and we put everybody through a sales training. It was the action selling. And it's, one of the biggest things is being prepared. And I think so many times salespeople just wing it, and don't put enough thought up front. And then the second piece just being the questions.
It's interesting even, you know, I've been in sales a long time myself, but even just going through that class myself last year, how, and I think it's probably better after you have some experience because then those things kind of pop up and you're like, oh yeah, how many times have I done that wrong? Or how many times have I done this wrong? So it kind of sheds light on it, but yeah, asking the right questions. That's...
That's the key to everything. And I think- Exactly. You know, you can kind of read a meeting, you know, if you're sitting there and you're talking to somebody and they're checking their watch or looking at their phone and you're like, you don't have them, right? But if you ask the right question, you know, I was at a meeting just yesterday and I could see it, you know, because never met the guy before, you know, first time. And so they're skeptical, you know, what's this duty here for? But, and you could see those cues.
And then, you know, just by changing my questions, I mean, he literally just like turned his body and leaned in and, you know, he's totally engaged. So, so much of that gets missed. And I think that's a big part of why salespeople aren't successful, so. Yeah. So when I first got in outside sales with Lennox back in the mid to late 90s, they put me through a sales training course called Counselor Salesperson.
and it was really kind of teaching you how to ask questions. And for a long time, I really struggled with how to ask open-ended questions, like to get an audience engaged. And over the years, I've really kind of learned what that actually means. And a little bit different for me than you being a little bit more local, that...
I don't get a lot of time in front of customers the way that you guys do. I have to leverage your relationship to try to have that conversation. I do a lot of lunch and learn with engineering firms and not exactly the most personal people from time to time. Getting them to open up and actually have a conversation can be a little bit challenging.
Yeah, learning what questions to ask in and how to get them engaged. Right? If you can get a customer to talk about what they like about what they're doing, what they don't like about what they're doing, then you can start to have a productive conversation. And especially when it comes to conversion accounts, I pride myself on knowing my competition better than anyone.
I think my competition probably knows a little bit about who we are and kind of what we bring to the market. But I know the challenges that our customers and your customers have when using competitive product. And I have an answer. I have a solution for every one of those issues. So I let the customers talk about who they're using, why they're using them. And I love that they like to tell me that, nope, we don't have any problems.
Fast forward 20 minutes into the conversation, oh yeah, well, we're experiencing this and we're experiencing that. And then I start to ask some additional questions and then kind of lead them down the path of what, our solutions would potentially solve those issues, right? Or challenges or whatever it might be. So. You know, one thing I've kind of learned over the years too, and I think it takes a little experience and a little time, but you know, people, we're just dealing with people, right? Yeah.
and everybody's going to be defensive. You know, most people aren't outgoing and want to talk to everybody. And so here comes this new guy trying to sell me something, you know, and you're just going to, you're going to put your guard up naturally. So you just have to, have to be a real person. And I think that takes a lot of the, a lot of the edge off as well. Well, you know, Tim, at the end of the day, it's, we're all here to, to make a little bit of money, right? We all have to be profitable.
Yes, you know, the customer's going to beat us up on price because they want to make more money, right? I mean, it is what it is, but if you beat me up on price to the point that I can't be profitable, then I'm not going to be in business, and then I can't service you, right? So, you know, we have to have a gentleman's conversation and say, look, you know, once we get past that, right, and we start to work towards whatever solution that is, you know, so, you know, you guys represent the best products in the industry.
that we have the, for what I represent, I have the best product in the industry. I will never apologize for the quality or what we provide to the customer, right? So it's all about providing the proper solution so that our customers can serve their customers, right? Because if our customers serve their customers, then we have repeat customers. It's really that simple. I don't know that we need to make it more complex than that.
Right? Yeah. So there's always going to be a little bit of negotiating back and forth. But, you know, at the end of the day, the price thing is never, never the issue. You know, I mean, how many times have you, it's maybe blamed on price, but there's always something deeper. There's something, you know, I was with, with a guy yesterday and it was a new account for me. Just met this guy. But we
very kind of quickly had a pretty good understanding. Both been in the business for a while, but so we kind of understood each other and both of us were not afraid to ask tougher questions. And he's using a competitive product to one of ours. And so I just asked him, I said, just, you know, I know the answer, but I'm curious to see how you will answer it. But I'm like, how big of a deal is Price? And he just kind of agrees. He's like, it's not.
a couple of pennies here and there, it's not price. It's this guy is here every other week, he does training for our folks, all these different things and it's relationships. That's entirely what it is. So it's, whenever the price comes up, it's nine out of 10 times not the issue. It's what was actually going on. So I get the fortunate ability to sell a product.
that primarily goes through our channel partners So that adds a level of price difficulty, right? Which also adds a level of price difficulty. to design it out of the system So I get to come in at the very end,
of the panel build conversation and then try to sell my product. So I'm very, very familiar with those price discussions. And I never go into a conversation, especially a conversion conversation, talking about price. Because I can build you the cheapest product that you want to pay for. But that's exactly what you'll get, right? Exactly. But that's not who we are as a company, right? That's not what we bring to market as our product.
And we're very proud of that. we're applying the correct product for the correct years of my career helping customers correct issues that our I bring a very unique skill set to this role.
I think more so than anyone else. I do know a couple of my competitor sales folks. I have a pretty extensive HVAC career. Kind of the only thing that I know. What I know about Boxis is my stuff bolts too and it cools it, right? You know, so many of our products with Hoffman, they're just kind of behind the scenes. The general public really doesn't
probably understand, people in the industry, obviously understand how big and how many products and in the quality, but people in everyday life don't understand what's going on in the background, what our products do. And probably even more so in the HVAC side of things. Some of the infrastructure that those products are protecting are critical to people's everyday lives. And it just...
sits there quietly working in the background. So that's one thing I was thinking about as we were preparing for this is like, how do your products relate to the general public? What kind of things would people be missing in a product failure? Okay, well, so what I love about what I do for a living is I literally touch every single industry that you can imagine. Literally every single industry.
Food and beverage, whether it comes to processing, bottling, packaging, even all the way, I mean, if you want to follow the food chain, all the way even down into the lumber mills to process the lumber to make the pallets. We work with companies up in the Northwest area to even just make the lumber, right? We work with companies that make the plastic film to wrap the pallets. We work with the companies that are actually making the food. So,
You know, every aspect of any industry that you could think of, we are in there in some way, shape or form. Oil and gas, telecom, you know, battery manufacturing, battery recycling. You know, I'll give you a perfect example. Up in the Northwest, they had just built a new wastewater treatment facility in one of the valleys, kind of, let's call it Eastern Washington. And there were some design challenges from one of the automation companies, and they were having a lot of failures.
on our product. I don't typically like to talk about failures, but this is a design-related issue. I went out and what was happening is when this system would fail, it would shut down the wastewater pump and things would literally start to back up. This is a brand new facility that they'd put in because it was an already taxed infrastructure. Every time that that pumping system would overheat and shut down.
It was a 9-11 fire. So we went out there to take a look at it and the engineers that designed the system had designed the panel to be in a non-conditioned space, so they put a larger cooling system onto the panel. Well, it happened to be a conditioned space, so the cooling system was four times larger than it needed to be, so it was literally cycling every 70 seconds to 90 seconds, 70 seconds to 90 seconds. So you know.
think of running 100 miles an hour block to block, stoplight to stoplight, right? You're going to wear out the components of your car really, really quick. So that's what was happening with that system. So we got them into the correct system and this was 10, 11 years ago. I've been back there a couple of times. They've not had any challenges or issues since. So that would be one scenario, right? We provide battery.
cooling systems for battery backups, and also for like microwave radio cabinets, right? So 911 radio cabinets. Well, what does your microwave do in your home? It creates a bunch of heat, right? So does a microwave radio. So, you know, if a cooling system fails on a radio cabinet, that radio cabinet will overheat, and you try to go make a 911 call, it actually won't go through. So, you know, these are very, very critical infrastructure type of things that, you know,
we deal with every day. That's why, when I say I work with customers on applications and try to help them with some of their challenges, it's so important that we get the application correct. My competition doesn't spend the time in front of the customers the way that you and I do to make sure that we do it right.
What is it like working for CBM? You know, our culture is built around our ESOP. Employee ownership is something that we talk about every day. We empower our employees to make decisions, do what's right for their customers, do what's right for our manufacturers, and really, truly have an impact in our company. We've currently got some openings. If you're interested in working for a top quality rep firm here in the Midwest, we do have some openings. Go to our website and click on the careers tab and you can see what we have available.
Reach out to us here at
I pride myself on making sure that what we do is the right thing at the end of the day. Yeah, that's awesome. Yeah, because selling the wrong thing, it just goes back to that relationship. It all ties back. Selling something that's not right, you might get that one sale if it's price or whatever, but you're not going to get the next one because it's not a good long-term solution. So I-
Oh, go ahead. Just one more example real quick, if you will. Down here in Phoenix, Valley Metro was doing a rail extension project and worked with the engineers and all of the platform stuff, if you will. They had worked on some stuff in the Bay Area and they were having some issues and they used a competitive product and the competitor said, here, throw a heater in it, but it didn't solve the problem.
So you fast forward about six months, this engineer calls me up and he says, hey, I remember you from Phoenix, kind of wondering if you can help me out because I'm not getting any support from your competitor. He said, I'm not going to buy anything, but I just don't know where else to go. So I spent a couple weeks trying to help him identify what was going on, ran some calculations. Said, I think that this is really going to solve your issue, solve your problem, and if not,
Next time I'm up in the Bay Area, we'll go take a look at it for you. So, you know, it's all about Helping people with the right stuff and gaining that trust, right? Yeah doing the right thing That's the same whether it's business or you know personal stuff. You just have to do the right thing Carry your carry yourself with integrity and you'll never have to apologize for who you are. Yeah. Well put well put You know one of the one of the things
I guess hot topics in the industry. We hear a lot about energy storage. What is your play in that world? First, I guess, give folks an overview of what are we even talking about when it's energy storage? And then I guess what's your role in that? So that's a great topic. It's an emerging market, right? And everyone's really running into that market head first.
From my world, on the cooling side of it, Batteries are kind of defined, but when it comes to the cooling aspect of it, it's a little bit of the Wild West, Everyone's kind of doing what they think is the right thing.
When it comes to renewables and battery energy storage, that is a vertical market that we as an organization are focusing very heavily on, right? We've got vertical market managers and product managers that that's really, and business development managers that that's what they're focusing on. At high level, think about this. We have all of these solar farms and all of these wind farms, right? And they can produce energy, but if you don't use it, you burn it off.
I'd heard a statistic at one point where 60% of the energy that we produce daily gets burned off because we don't have any place to put it. It's kind of crazy when you think, because we also hear we don't have the infrastructure to do all the things we're wanting to do, but yet we're wasting that much energy. It's kind of a double-edged sword. Yeah, exactly. I drove out to Automation Fair in Anaheim back in November.
I haven't driven out to LA for quite a while, and the expansion of solar fields from Phoenix to LA is just massive. What's interesting is you're starting to see... You can see them off in the distance, and these fields are now three times what they used to be, but now you're starting to see these little white boxes plugged next to these fields. Those are battery energy storage systems to store the power that's being produced during the day.
And you've got some grid systems within our country that are a little bit more unstable than others, and putting a battery next to that grid kind of helps stabilize that a little bit, right? So as solar, if you think about it, once that field is in, that's free energy. We capture that. We either have to use it or we have to put it someplace. And as we start to have...
build more solar fields, more wind farms. If we can put that someplace, then we don't have to build power plants, right? We can prolong building a power plant. And you can build a small power plant, like a peak shaving plant, fairly easily, but to service an entire metro market, that's a multi-year project. That doesn't happen as easy as plugging batteries into a solar field, right? Yeah. So.
How big of an impact are the data centers making? You know, I'm being told that they're looking to be the biggest draw on our power. Huge, absolutely. So what's our role there? Well, you know, I'm not really on the data side of it per se, but if we take a look at the power consumption in industrial automation and just think about
power and the amount of computing power that even a laptop is today. Computer chips are about as efficient as they're going to get. In order to get more computing power, you have to consume more power. With this AI revolution coming, that is a huge push is the amount of power consumption that these data centers are consuming.
And here in the Phoenix Valley area, there's quite a few data centers that are going up between Meta, Google, and I think just some cloud storage in general. It's interesting because one of them is right outside of Phoenix. It's plugged right next to us, literally right next to a substation. Google is building a data center out in the East Mesa area, which is essentially right next to a...
a large battery energy storage facility. So it's, I think that, you know, I'm not into the data world, but just conceptually, it's, you know, if I transition my industrial knowledge, it's a huge, huge impact. Yeah, and in terms of the heating and cooling, I guess, if there's power, there's heat, right? So it comes into play somewhere, so. What do you got? Exactly. Okay, so.
Obviously, our power needs, they're not going down. They're never going to go down. They continue to go up. We hear a lot about nuclear. What's your thoughts on that versus renewable energy? Well, I think there's definitely the need for renewable, right? That absolutely makes a lot of sense. Nuclear, from what I know back in my energy manager days and working with utilities, you
You know, nuclear is the most efficient form of energy production that we have, right, as compared to coal or natural gas, right. Natural gas we know is going to be cleaner than coal, but the technology in coal is so much better than it used to be. But ultimately, nuclear is the most efficient form. And when you have these large data centers that are consuming these massive amounts of power, we've got to give them the most efficient energy that we can produce. Now, not being tied to that utility world much anymore.
I don't know what those federal regulations look like, but if that comes about as an infrastructure play, we as a company are positioned to be able to support that. Electrical panels, cooling those panels, all of the things, connecting those panels with Ilscow and Caddy and all of the other products that nVent offers. But ultimately, I think that we as a country really need to move in that direction.
Just from an efficiency perspective, right? Yeah. To me, because at that point, we're not consuming and burning hydrocarbons, which is, you know, that's kind of a, you know, EPA clean air play, if you will. Yeah. But you know, that's the high level, kind of as I know it. And you know, if I had a crystal ball, that's kind of how I would look at it. But- Now, you know, you talk nuclear and it's just a big scary word, you know, what's the downside to it? You know, I grew up-
I grew up in the, I was born in 75, so really grew up in the 80s. And I remember the Chernobyl plant blowing up. And so I think most people, that's where their mind goes when you think nuclear, whether it's a safety or a storage or, but really other, what's the downside? Well, and then you had the issue in Japan a few years back, right? So there's that scare. But there are newer technologies that I've...
I had a conversation with a contractor in Denver a few months back and we were actually talking about this and he was explaining that there are newer technologies if there were a challenge or an issue to be able to capture and consolidate that as compared to technologies of yesterday. At a high level that's what I know.
And I think that there has to be other technologies that are available that would allow us to move in that direction as compared to what we did 30, 40 years ago. But everyone thinks of the China Syndrome, Chernobyl, the world is going to evaporate overnight. But I don't necessarily believe that's the case anymore.
Yeah, memories are stronger than we can overcome sometimes. And perception is reality a lot of times, you know? Absolutely. That's one thing I find interesting is like, just because you think something is a certain way, that's your perception. So that's your truth, whether it's true or not, you know? So. Yeah, yeah, 100% agree. So we'll get that. Let's take a little turn. So I understand you had...
ran your own HVAC company years ago? Is that accurate? Yeah, I did. I did. For about seven or eight years, I kind of started out side nights and weekends. And I did that for most of that time frame, right? Trying to build business to the point of I'd gotten to a point where I had to make a decision that I was either going to go do that full time.
Or just kind of keep it as a weekend hobby if you will, right? Well the you know the 2008 crash happened and I was selling into the industry at the time and You know mechanical contractors electrical contractors, you know those guys that were running, you know 80 trucks We're now only running 40 trucks, right? Yeah, and they weren't replacing them. So
So, you know, the business that I was picking up as a, you know, say on one truck, Johnny, I was still licensed, bonded and insured. You know, those folks were now picking up that work that I was getting at a third of the price that I was charging, right? So I had to make a decision of, did I want to go be an employee or did I want to try to stuff, you know, suffer this thing out for the next few years? And I just decided that, you know.
for right now, I think I'm going to just kind of hang up my shingle and maybe revisit it, you know, later on down the road. And, you know, fast forward six months, I ended up getting recruited and brought into Pentair and Van Hoffman, which has been fantastic. Right. So, yeah, it all worked out. It really did. It really did. You know, it kind of set me up for, you know, being able to bring a certain skill set into this role that
a lot of other folks don't have. Yeah, you've actually got field experience and a better understanding. What do you think is one important lesson you learned running your own business that's really helped you where you're at now? Serve your customers right.
That's it. Serve your customers right. Do what's right by your customer. Don't try to sell something that they shouldn't have. Advise them correctly and let them make their decision accordingly, right? Yeah. So, you know, give them all of the necessary knowledge to be able to make their decision and support whichever decision they choose, right? At the end of the day, the customer is always right. But, you know, if you advise them properly,
then you've carried yourself with integrity. That's a perfect answer. Perfect answer. Do you have any mentors that you want to mention? Anybody that's led you in the right direction that you want to give a shout out to or any specific lessons? I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for everyone around me. Everyone that I work with has supported me in some aspect of my career.
I mean, I can go back to the Lennox days of 25, 30 years ago. There's just so many people, even within Hoffman, Bob Calvo, Peggy Berata, John Bice, Mark Lamps, just John Skocke, just a whole slew of people that I've worked with over the years.
have really helped me be successful. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be here. I really owe my success to everyone around me, including you guys. Just phenomenal salespeople. You guys all make me look good. Well, thank you. We certainly try. You do a great job at it. What does...
What does it look like for you in terms of mentoring others? Is there folks you're bringing up? At some point, we're all replaceable and we got to bring up the next generation. So what does that look like for you? Yeah, yeah. Those are some conversations that we've been having internally, right? Kind of strengthening our bench a little bit. Really, it's transferring as much knowledge as I can.
out to you guys in the field, right? with customers on a daily basis. We're all replaceable, right? but the best thing that I can do is just impart as much Right?
give you as much as I can to help you guys be as successful as you can, right? Yeah. Well, that's awesome. Well, I think we'll wrap it up there, but I just wanted to say thank you. And our relationship with nVent is obviously very important to us as a company as well. And we appreciate everything you do for us and our team. So just thank you.
You know Tim, thank you. I had a great time today really really do appreciate the opportunity to chat with you It's it's been fun. It's been awesome. So Again, thank you. It's an honor. All right. Have a good one. Thank you. Thanks. Take care
Thanks again to John for joining us. You know, we had to get up early. He's out in Arizona at another time zone and he accommodated us. It was great conversation. It was great for me to meet him and get to know a little bit more about him and bring some of that to you. So thanks again, John. You know, remember, you know, if you need help on a project or looking for a manufacturer's rep to bring you a great sales team and quality service, look no further than CBM.
You can find us here at As always, like, share, subscribe, and until next time, we'll see you next time.
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